F(A, B, C, D) = ∏ (3, 2)
The product “Π(3,2)” means we take the AND of these two terms.
Term 2 (Binary 0010): A̅ . B̅ . C . D̅
Term 3 (Binary 0011): A̅ . B̅ . C . D
library IEEE;
-- Entity declaration
entity 1dFunction is
port (
A, B, C, D : in std_logic; -- Input signals A, B, C, D
F : out std_logic -- Output signal F
end entity 1dFunction;
-- Architecture
architecture Con_Logic_Arch of 1dFunction is
-- Concurrent signal assignment implementing F(A, B, C, D) = Π(3, 2)
F < = (not A and not B and C and not D) and -- term 2
(not A and not B and C and D); -- term 3
end architecture Con_Logic_Arch;